Like, wet, ALL OVER.
In the Blue Belle Hotel in Delhi and in Hotel Estrela Do Mar in Goa and in a few other bathrooms I saw along the way -- the showers have no doors, no curtains. When you shower -- the entire bathroom showers with you.
I tried to splash around as little as possible, which made for a somewhat repressed shower experience.
But you know what? By the second day of my stay at Estrela Do Mar -- I had changed my mind. I now loved the open shower bathroom! You just need to put the toilet seat down -- and then go nuts. When you're clean -- the entire bathroom is clean.
This post is not really about bathrooms actually. It is about adaptation. It is about seceding to India's ability to change you.
Repeatedly, before I left on this trip, people gave me the advice to just go, let go, take it all in, and then get up the next morning and do it again.
India's modus operandi was so completely different from that of my daily life in the Bay Area, and she was relentless! At no point during my trip did I ever say to myself -- "Oh, this is just like back home!" and you know what, I didn't want it to be.
With the exception of a few "I'm so done with this biotch!" moments along the way -- I realized that India had convinced me to go along with her open and swirling anti-plan without ever asking, and without my ever realizing that I had been convinced.
I love that about her.
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